品牌故事 荣誉资质 联星文化 联星大事记
公司新闻 行业新闻
大功率齿轮箱 电动滚筒 电机 机架搅拌传动装置 建筑机械类减速机 离心机用差速器 立体停车装置用减速机 四大系列硬齿面减速机 蜗轮蜗杆减速机 行星摆线针轮减速机 行星摩擦式无级变速机 硬齿面减速机 圆柱齿轮减速机
输送给料 冶金矿山 化工环保陶瓷
售后申请 数据下载 防伪查询
Lixin Enterprise Product display 零径向力输入装置 LX0010 0404106860801 Motor shock mount Recommended brands by the Gear Association 030135850101 2308 ZQ cylindrical gear reducer ZQ圆柱齿轮减速机 Hardened cylindrical gear reducer 硬齿面圆柱齿轮减速机 XMB planetary friction continuously variable transmission XMB行星摩擦式无级变速机 Three stage horizontal planetary cycloidal pinwheel reducer 三级卧式行星摆线针轮减速机 worm gear reducer 蜗轮蜗杆减速机 Helical gear reducer 斜齿轮减速机 Gear reducers for three-dimensional parking devices 立体停车装置用减速机 Differential for centrifuges 离心机用差速器 Special reducer for dual horizontal shaft mixer 双卧轴搅拌机专用减速机 Rack mixing transmission device 机架搅拌传动装置 YNZ series vibration resistant three-phase asynchronous motor for pile hammers YNZ系列振动桩锤用耐振三相异步电动机 TDY75 oil cooled electric drum TDY75型油冷式电动滚筒 High power gearbox 大功率齿轮箱 十年铸就联星荣誉,携手共创美好未来 Conveying equipment 输送设备 Chemical mixing 化工搅拌 sewage disposal 污水处理 Ball mill equipment 球磨机装备 Environmental protection machinery 环保机械 Chemical mixing device 化工搅拌装置 Clarification slot scraper 澄清槽耙料机 Casting machine 铸造机 chain grate 链篦机 coker 焦化设备 annular cooler 环冷机 ferrous metallurgy 钢铁冶金 Disc feeder 圆盘给料机 Water sealing zipper machine 水封拉链机 bucket-wheel reclaimer 斗轮取料机 Common faults and solutions for motor maintenance of gearbox 减速机维修电机常见故障及解决方案 Repair of gearbox with heating failure 发热故障的减速机维修 Gearbox Repair and Cause Analysis of Broken Shaft in Gearbox Maintenance 减速机维修 断轴的减速机修理及原因分析 Maintenance methods for gearbox oil leakage 减速机维修 减速机漏油的维修方法 Do you know under what conditions the cycloid reducer should be used? 你知道摆线减速机该在什么条件下使用吗? Do you know several questions about cycloidal reducers 关于摆线减速机的几个问题,你都知道吗 Pressure lubrication principle of cycloidal reducer 摆线减速机压力润滑原理 The characteristics and applications of cycloidal reducers 摆线减速机的特点及用途 Discussion on Several Issues Concerning Cycloidal Reducers 浅谈关于摆线减速机的几个问题 Detailed explanation of common faults during installation, use, and maintenance of cycloidal reducer 摆线减速机安装、使用、维修中常见故障详解 Precautions during the running-in period of Tianjin gearbox products 天津减速机产品磨合期注意事项 A large collection of faults in Tianjin gearbox products 天津减速机产品故障大集合 Installation and precautions for fixed connectors of Tianjin reducer products 天津减速机产品固定联接件的安装及注意事项 Reasons and Solutions for Heating of Tianjin Reducer Products 天津减速机产品发热原因及解决 Advantages, Disadvantages, and Development Trends of Tianjin Reducer Products 天津减速机产品的优缺点以及发展趋势 Detailed explanation of common faults during installation, use, and maintenance of cycloidal reducer 摆线减速机安装、使用、维修中常见故障详解 Tianjin vibration resistant motor 天津耐振电机 Lianxing cylindrical gear reducer Lianxing hard tooth surface conical cylindrical gear reducer Lianxing Shenke Scale Sample Reducers for Lianxing Construction Machinery Lianxing Chemical Mixing Device (3) Lianxing Chemical Mixing Device (2) Lianxing Chemical Mixing Device (1) Lianxing Electric Roller Sample of Lianxing X Series Planetary Cycloidal Pinwheel Reducer Lianxing WB series micro cycloidal reducer Sample of Lianxing SWL Elevator Lianxing MB and MBN series planetary cone disc continuously variable transmission Lianxing HB standard industrial gearbox Sample of Lianxing 8000 series cycloidal reducer Lianxing 4 major series samples 联星圆柱齿轮减速机 联星硬齿面圆锥圆柱齿轮减速机 联星申克称样本 联星建筑机械用减速机 联星化工搅拌装置(3) 联星化工搅拌装置(2) 联星化工搅拌装置(1) 联星电动滚筒 联星X系列行星摆线针轮减速机样本 联星WB系列微型摆线减速机 联星SWL升降机样本 联星MB、MBN系列行星锥盘无极变速机 联星HB标准工业齿轮箱 联星8000系列摆线减速机样本 联星4大系列样本 NGW planetary gear reducer NGW行星齿轮减速机 Hardened bevel cylindrical gear reducer 硬齿面圆锥圆柱齿轮减速机 Double stage horizontal planetary cycloidal pinwheel reducer 双级卧式行星摆线针轮减速机 Vertical planetary cycloidal pinwheel reducer 立式行星摆线针轮减速机 Planetary cycloidal pinwheel reducer 行星摆线针轮减速机 RV worm gear reducer RV蜗轮蜗杆减速机 worm gear reducer 蜗轮蜗杆减速机 Helical bevel gear reducer 斜齿轮-伞齿轮减速机 Helical gear worm gear reducer 斜齿轮-蜗轮蜗杆减速机 Parallel axis helical gear reducer 平行轴斜齿轮减速机 Special reducer for tower crane rotation 塔机回转专用减速机 Special worm gear and gear reducer for construction elevators 施工升降机专用蜗轮、齿轮减速器 Suspension gear reducer 悬挂式齿轮减速机 Belt conveyor mechanical drive system 皮带输送机械驱动系统 WD type external mounted electric drum WD型外装式电动滚筒 Explosion proof electric drum 隔爆电动滚筒 TJ type oil immersed electric drum TJ型油浸式电动滚筒 中国摆线减速机 始于天津1964 high-tech enterprise 2005 Famous Brand Products Partial Honorary Certificates Promise of trustworthy operation satisfied product Tianjin Lianxing Transmission Q English Belt Marking Certificate Trademark certificate Tianjin Lianxing Transmission Q Chinese Belt Label Certificate Outstanding Contribution Award High quality brand flat Nameplate Product Certificate High quality technology products Large second tier enterprises Nameplate Product Certificate 2002 Top 500 Member of the Industrial Association 2003 Satisfied Product Certificate 一种体外循环冷却铜油管装置 一种可调式齿轮减速机 一种双向转动的输出机构 一种能够自锁的减速机 一种高强度耐用的蜗轮减速机 一种方便组装的压紧装置 一种方便将齿轮组取出的蜗轮减速机 一种方便拆装的紧固机构 一种便携手持式电池供电加油枪 一种超载提示的减速机构 清扫机械专用传动装置 双电机驱动装置 040199760202 040299750201 110399740202 110399730201 030199720101 040199710202 040199700201 040399690101 030299680101 060699670101 040299660101 030199650101 060699640101 050199630202 050199620201 030299610202 030299600201 040299580202 060599570201 040199560101 040299390202 040299380201 040199550101 030199540101 030199530101 030199520303 030199510302 030199500301 060699490101 040299480202 040299470201 030199460303 030199450302 030199440301 030199430101 060699410403 060699400402 060699370401 040299360101 010399350101 030199340101 9933 9932 030199310303 030199300302 030199290301 040199280404 040199270403 040199260402 040199250401 030199240101 030199200101 060699190202 060699180201 060699190202 060699180201 9917 040199161010 040199151009 040199141008 040199131007 040199121006 040199111005 040199101004 040199091003 040199081002 040199071001 030199060101 040199050202 040199040201 LX1808 LX1807 LX1806 LX1804 LX1804 LX1803 LX1802 LX1801 LX0018 LX0017 LX0016 LX0015 LX0014 LX0013 LX0012 LX0011 0301110080101 0103110070101 0301110060101 0402110050101 0606110040101 0606110030202 0606110020201 0401110010303 0401110000302 0401109990301 0403109980404 0403109970403 0402109960402 0402109950401 0302109910101 0103109870101 0402109860606 0706109850605 0706109840604 0706109830603 0706109820602 0706109810601 0608109800101 0608109790101 0301109780202 0301109770201 0402109720303 0402109710302 0402109700301 0606109690101 0402109680101 0404109670101 0301109640101 0606109630101 0606109620101 0606109610101 0301109600101 20001 0605109590101 0404109580707 0404109570706 0404109560705 0404109550704 0401109540703 0401109530702 0401109520701 0301109510202 0301109500201 0401109490202 0401109480201 1001109470202 1001109460201 1001109450202 1001109440201 0301109430202 0301109420201 0606109400101 0606109390505 0606109380504 0606109370503 0606109360502 0606109350501 0402109342121 0402109332120 0402109322119 0402109312118 0402109302117 0402109292116 0402109282115 0402109272114 0402109262113 0402109252112 0402109242111 0402109232110 0402109222109 0402109212108 0402109202107 0402109192106 0402109182105 0402109172104 0402109162103 0402109152102 0402109142101 0301109130202 0301109120201 0402109110404 0402109100403 0302109090402 0301109080401 0301109070404 0301109060403 0301109050402 0301109040401 0402109030202 0402109020201 0402109010101 0302109000101 0607108990101 0607108980101 0608108970101 10896 10895 10894 0301108930404 0301108920403 0301108910402 0301108900401 0807108890404 0807108880403 0807108870402 0807108860401 0301108850202 0301108840201 0301108831212 0301108821211 0301108811210 0301108801209 0301108791208 0301108781207 0301108771206 0301108761205 0301108751204 0301108741203 0301108731202 0301108721201 0103108710202 0103108700201 1001108690101 10868 10867 10866 0402108650303 0302108640302 0301108630301 0302108620202 0402108610201 0301108600202 0301108590201 0401108580202 0401108570201 0401108560202 0401108550201 0401108540101 1102108531010 1102108521009 1102108511008 1102108501007 1102108491006 0302108481005 0302108471004 0302108461003 0302108451002 0302108441001 0404108430101 0204108420101 0606108410101 0301108400101 0801108390101 0301108370101 0301108360101 0202108380201 0202108350101 0610108340101 0301108330303 0301108320302 0301108310301 0604108300303 0301108290302 0301108280301 1103108271212 1103108261211 1103108251210 1103108241209 1103108231208 1103108221207 1103108211206 1103108201205 1103108191204 1103108181203 1103108171202 1103108161201 0301108150303 0301108140302 0301108130301 108120101 0404108110202 0404108100201 0401108070202 0401108060201 0301108050101 暂无编号 暂无编号 暂无编号 暂无编号 暂无编号 暂无编号 暂无编号 暂无编号 暂无编号 暂无编号 暂无编号 0106108040101 0401108030101 0606108020404 060610801040 0606108000402 0606107990401 0606107980101 0301107970101 0402107960404 0402107950403 0402107940402 0402107930401 0302107920101 0301107910101 0402107900101 0404107891010 0404107881009 0404107871008 0404107861007 0404107851006 0404107841005 0404107831004 0404107821003 0404107811002 0404107801001 0607107790101 0401107780404 0401107770403 0401107760402 0401107750401 0302107740101 0606107730202 0606107720201 0302107711212 0301107701211 0401107691210 0401107681209 0402107671208 0402107661207 0302107651206 0404107641205 0404107631204 0301107621203 0401107611202 1002107601201 0301107590202 0301107580201 0301107570202 0301107560201 0302107550202 0302107540201 0601107530303 0601107520302 0601107510301 0301107500101 0403107490101 0606107480101 0301107450101 0301107440101 1106107470202 1106107460201 0401107430202 0401107420201 0605107410101 0404107400202 0404107350201 0301107410202 0301107400201 0301107390101 0606107380101 0301107370101 0302107360101 0401107330202 0401107320201 0301107300202 0301107290201 0302107280101 0401107270202 0608107260201 0301107250101 0105107240202 0301107230201 0402107220404 0402107210403 0401107200402 0401107190401 0301107140101 0401107131010 0401107121009 0401107111008 0401107101007 0401107091006 0401107081005 0401107071004 0401107061003 0401107051002 0401107041001 0403107030303 0401107020302 0401107010301 0302107000707 0302106990706 0302106980705 0302106970704 0302106960703 0302106950702 0302106940701 0401106930808 0401106920807 0401106910806 0401106900805 0404106890804 0401106880803 0404106870802 Copyright Registration Certificate Worm gear reducer Helicopter reducer Housing A Special Tool Device for Installing Worm Gear Reducers Oil immersed electric drum An input shaft connection mechanism for gear reducers A lightweight and high stability gearbox base A high and mild gearbox frame A Motor Torque Limiting Control Structure worm gear reducer A self-lubricating bevel gear with oil storage chamber New type cycloidal reducer Lifting device Segment car Belt transmission device Backstop reducer base fan cover The Greatest of China DNV certification Stock operation 0401106850101 0301106840202 0301106830201 0402106800303 0402106790302 0402106780301 0606106760202 0606106750201 0402106740909 0301106730908 0301106720907 0403106710906 0403106700905 0301106690904 0301106680903 0301106670902 0301106660901 0404106650101 0606106640101 0302106630303 0302106620302 0302106610301 0606106600101 0302106590202 0302106580201 0403106571515 0403106561514 0403106551513 0403106541512 0403106531511 0403106521510 0403106511509 0403106501508 0403106491507 0403106481506 0403106471505 0403106461504 0403106451503 0403106441502 0403106431501 0401106420303 0401106410302 0401106400301 0302106390101 0605106380101 0404106370808 0404106360807 0404106350806 0404106340805 0404106330804 0404106320803 0404106310802 0404106300801 0401106290404 0401106280403 0401106270402 0401106260401 0103106250303 0401106240302 0401106230301 0606106230101 0807106220808 0807106210807 0807106200806 0807106190805 0807106180804 0807106170803 0807106160802 0807106150801 0606106130101 0301106120101 0302106110101 0607106090808 0607106080807 0607106070806 0607106060805 0607106050804 0607106040803 0607106030802 0607106020801 0605106010101 0604106000202 0401105990201 0401105983737 0401105973736 0401105963735 0401105953734 0401105943733 0401105933732 0401105923731 0401105913730 0401105903729 0401105893728 0401105883727 0401105873726 0401105863725 0401105853724 0401105843723 0401105833722 0401105823721 0401105813720 0401105803719 0401105793718 0401105783717 0401105773716 0401105763715 0401105753714 0401105743713 0401105733712 0401105723711 0401105713710 0401105703709 0401105693708 0401105683707 0401105673706 0401105663705 0401105653704 0401105643703 0401105633702 0401105623701 0301105610101 0302105600202 0302105590201 0302105580606 0302105570605 0301105560604 0301105550603 0708105540602 0302105530601 0401105520101 10551 10550 10549 10548 10547 10546 10545 10544 0302105430101 0302105420101 0402105410303 0402105400302 0402105390301 1001105380303 1001105370302 1001105360301 0301105310101 1001105300606 1001105290605 1001105280604 1001105270603 1001105260602 1001105250601 0402105240505 0402105230504 0402105220503 0402105210502 0402105200501 0302105160101 0302105150101 0401105080202 0401105070201 0302105060101 0708105050404 0708105040403 0708105030402 0708105020401 0604105010505 0302105000504 0401104990503 0604104980502 0302104970501 0402104950404 0402104940403 0401104930402 0401104920401 0302106140101 0403104910101 0606104900505 0606104890504 0606104880503 0606104870502 0606104860501 0501104850101 0606104840101 0606104830101 1002104821212 1002104811211 1002104801210 1002104791209 1002104781208 1002104771207 1002104761206 1002104751205 1002104741204 1002104731203 1002104721202 1002104711201 1001104701010 1001104691009 1001104681008 1001104671007 1002104661006 1005104651005 1005104641004 1005104631003 0301104621002 0301104611001 10460 10459 10458 0401104570202 0401104560201 0301104550101 0605104540202 0605104530201 0301104520101 0301104510101 0606104500202 0606104490201 1002104480404 1002104470403 1005104460402 1005104450401 0606104420303 0606104410302 0606104400301 0501104390101 0401104380101 0301104370101 0302104360101 0606104350101 0302104340202 0302104330201 0401104320101 10431 10430 10429 10428 10427 10426 10425 10424 0301104210101 0302104200202 0302104190201 0302104180202 0403104170201 0404104160202 0404104150201 0610104140101 0301104130101 0402104120303 0402104110302 0402104100301 0401104090101 0606104080101 0401104070303 0301104060302 0301104050301 0610104040101 0401104030202 0401104020201 0605104010202 0605104000201 0107103990101 0401103980101 0402103971414 0402103961413 0402103951412 0402103941411 0402103931410 0402103921409 0402103911408 0402103901407 0402103891406 0402103881405 0402103871404 0402103861403 0402103851402 0402103841401 0606103830303 0606103820302 0606103810301 0607103800202 0607103790201 0301103780101 0704103770202 0704103760201 0401103750101 0708103740101 0302103730101 0301103720303 0301103710302 0301103700301 0302103690101 0301103680101 0402103670101 0402103660202 0402103650201 0404103641010 0404103631009 0807103621008 0110103611007 0404103601006 0404103591005 0401103581004 0402103571003 0404103561002 0404103551001 0606103540202 0606103530201 0301103520202 0301103510201 0302103480101 0604103470101 0401103460303 0401103450302 0401103440301 0301103430101 0302103420101 0401103410303 0401103400302 0401103390301 1001103380505 1001103370504 1001103360503 1001103350502 1001103250501 0301103340404 0301103330403 0301103320402 0301103310401 0606103300101 0302103280101 0402103270202 0401103260201 0301103240202 0301103230201 0902103290101 0301103220101 0302103210101 0301103200202 0301103190201 0807103180101 0807103170202 0807103160201 0404103150202 0402103140201 0706103132323 0401103122322 0401103112321 0401103102320 0401103092319 0401103082318 0401103072317 0401103062316 0401103052315 0401103042314 0401103032313 0706103022312 0706103012311 0706103002310 0706102992309 0706102982308 0706102972307 0706102962306 0706102952305 0706102942304 0706102932303 0706102922302 0706102912301 0402102900202 0402102890201 0607102880202 0607102870201 0302102862626 0302102852625 0403102842624 0403102832623 0403102822622 0403102812621